Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Electoral Math

10/21: A host of new polls but only one change on the map today. West Virginia is moved from toss-up to leaning McCain after a new Rasmussen poll shows Sen. McCain leading there by 9. There had been an outlying poll that had Sen. Obama ahead by 8 that was released a couple of weeks ago that was holding the state back, but now that the poll has been aged out, it's back where it belongs. As it stands now, there is only 1 state left on the map within 2 points. I think there is some play in the barely states with 2 weeks left, it would take a game-changer at this point to move the leaning states in one direction or another.
From here on out, every poll that is released will be used in my final calculation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pennsylvania is filled with a bunch of racist rednecks just like Representative Murtha said. These people are a bunch of gun toting religious fanatics. It's sad that they have any control over the future of OUR nation. America is becoming more DIVERSE and MULTICULTURAL and these backwards Pennsyltuckians just don't get it. It's Sad.